and Technology
Look for the Knowledge Web public report on
the Semantic Web Technology Conference 2006 (6-9 March, San
José, USA)
(FT R&D, France),
T.Vitvar (DERI, Galway)
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In Knowledge Web, we place great value on
showing how the research in Semantic Web technologies can be applied
to real world business problems.
We have already collected and analysed a number of such business
scenarios which were provided by willing Industry Board members. A
number of these scenarios are now being used as test cases for the
application of Semantic Web to typical problems in enterprise
processes. We work closely with our chosen business partner in
introducing the latest Semantic Web research results to their IT
system. Next year we will be able to publicize the results of these
co-operations. Our business partners will benefit from knowledge of
cutting edge semantic solutions to their business problems and we are
able to demonstrate how the Semantic Web can practically benefit
A number of these business cases have been
chosen for a co-operation between leading Semantic Web researchers
and the Industry Board member, with the aim to practically
demonstrate the value of appropriate Semantic Web approaches to
solving real world business problems. In these co-operations we hope
to validate the industry-maturity of Semantic Web technologies and
demonstrate their use in a real world setting.
Details of the active co-operations can be
found on the industry
portal in the Application Needs section (you will need a log-in).
A.Leger (FT R&D,
France), L.Nixon (FU Berlin)
View Point
Recently the Gartner Group published
its hype cycle for 2006. The annual hype cycle is an illustration of
how emerging technologies enjoy inflated expectations, leading
inevitably to disillusionment and then finally enjoying widespread
acceptance. The Corporate Semantic Web made its debut last year at
the beginning of the hype cycle, and this year it has already made it
to the ‘peak of inflated expectations’. It is worthwhile to compare
this to the outlook for Web 2.0. This set of technologies – wikis,
blogs, content tagging and sharing – have become the newest trend and
enterprises are also finding value in using such social,
collaborative tools in their business processes. However, it is
tipped to slide into the ‘trough of disillusionment’ within two
For Semantic Web researchers, this
difference in fortunes is easy to understand. While Web 2.0 enjoys
today a lot of hype and is changing working methods, its underlying
data is still the non-machine readable content of the present Web. So
while a lot of the application layer looks and functions differently,
the data layer is no different – the problems in the business
scenarios we have collected are not solved by a wiki system being
built on top. So while the Web 2.0 can be a stepping stone, it does
not negate the need for a Semantic Web with ontologies and formal
metadata. In Knowledge Web and beyond we will continue to work
towards the realisation of the Corporate Semantic Web.
L. Nixon
(FU Berlin)
Reasoning Web 2006
Reasoning capabilities are offered by Semantic Web languages that
are currently being developed. Most of these languages, however,
are developed mainly from functionality-centered perspectives. At
Reasoning Web 2006, a perspective centered on the reasoning
techniques (e.g. forward or backward chaining, tableau-like
methods, constraint reasoning, etc.) complementing the
above-mentioned activities will be introduced for education on
basic tools for the Semantic Web systems and applications. Read
Call for papers
WWW 2007 –
16th International World Wide Web Conference
May 8-12, 2007,
Banff, Alberta,
Deadline for paper submission : November
20, 2006
2006 From Visions to Applications – Semantics :
The New
Paradigm Shift in IT
November 28-30, 2006,
TechGate, Vienna,
Deadline for paper submission : May 30,