
D3.1.6: Report on the foundation of EASE, including the final version of the EASE statutes, signed by the founding members, the protocol of the founding general assembly, and the organizational structure of EASE

Title: Report on the foundation of EASE, including the final version of the EASE statutes, signed by the founding members, the protocol of the founding general assembly, and the organizational structure of EASE
On-line PDF Version: D3.1.6.pdf
Nature: Report
Dissemination level: PU
Deliverable number: 2
Contractual date of delivery: 31/12/2006
has authoring partner: L3S Research Center
has contact person: Jörg Diederich
has lead participant: L3S Research Center
has Q.A. partner: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
has Quality Assessor: Jörg Diederich
has Quality Controller: Holger Wache
is associated with: WP3.1: EASE
has author: Jörg Diederich Robert Tolksdorf Wolfgang Nejdl York Sure
is associated with: Knowledge Web
is generated by: L3S Research Center