
D1. Benchmarking the interoperability of ontology development tools using OWL as interchange language

Title: Benchmarking the interoperability of ontology development tools using OWL as interchange language
Version Number: 1.3
On-line PDF Version: D1.
Nature: Report
Dissemination level: PU
Delivery date: 30/09/2007
Deliverable number:
Contractual date of delivery: 30/09/2007
Actual date of delivery: 30/09/2007
has authoring partner: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
has contact person: Raúl García-Castro
has lead participant: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
has Q.A. partner: University of Manchester
is associated with: WP1.2: Evaluation for technology selection WP2.1: Scalability
is associated with: Knowledge Web
is generated by: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid