
D2.1.1: State of the art on the scalability of ontology-based technology

Title: State of the art on the scalability of ontology-based technology
On-line PDF Version: D2.1.1.pdf
Nature: Report
Dissemination level: PU
Deliverable number: D2.1.1
Contractual date of delivery: 30/06/2004
has authoring partner: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
has contact person: Holger Wache
has lead participant: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
has Q.A. partner: Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique
is associated with: WP2.1: Scalability
has author: Holger Wache Raúl García-Castro
is associated with: Knowledge Web
is generated by: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam