University of Sheffield

Organization full name: University of Sheffield
Organization acronym: USFD
Organization Web:
Country: UK
City: Sheffield
Zip code: S1 4DP
Street address: Dept of Computer Science, 211 Portobello St
Funded: true
generates: Automatic Creation and Monitoring of Semantic Metadata in a Dynamic Knowledge Portal Content Augmentation for Mixed-Mode News Broadcasts. Crete 2005 - Education area - Acessibility Slides (USFD) D1. Benchmarking of annotation tools D1.2.2: Report on Semantic Web Framework requirements analysis D1.4.1v1: Technology roadmap Skeleton D2.3.6: Prototypes of language dependent tools for ontology evaluation Web-Assisted Annotation, Semantic Indexing and Search of Television and Radio News
has contact person: Diana Maynard
is involved in: T1.2.1: Utility of ontology-based tools T1.2.2: Creation of the Semantic Web Framework T1.2.3: Creation of the Kweb Ontology Repository T1.2.4: Ontology content evaluation and usability T1.2.5: Management and self-assessment T1.3.4: Management and self-assessment T1.4.2: Success Stories and Best Practices T1.4.6: Management and self-assessment T1.5.1: Negotiation with identified potential co-operators T1.5.2: Detailed discussion about possible joined education and training activities T1.5.3: Define a program of joint activities with each network T1.5.4: Education and training progress report and agreements T1.5.5: Management and Self-assessment T2.1.2.2: Realizing Practical Approximate and Distributed Reasoning for Ontologies T2.1.3.1: Modularization of ontologies including a Framework for modularisation T2.1.3.2: Methods for modularization of ontologies T2.1.3: Modularization of ontologies T2.1.4: Definition of a methodology and general criteria for ontology-based tools benchmarking T2.1.5: Construction of prototypes of tools for benchmarking ontology building tools T2.1.6: Benchmarking of ontology building tools according to the criteria and test beds produced T2.2.1: Continous research on alignment alignment semantics T2.2.2: Design and implementation of a benchmark suite for alignment T2.2.3: Research on integration techniques and implementations T2.2.4: Research on alignment techniques and implementations T2.3.1: Ontology versioning T3.1.1: Conducting a detailed requirements analysis for EASE T3.2.1: Educational Events: PhD Student network / PhD symposium T3.2.2: Educational Events: Joint Industry-Education Cooperation T3.2.3: Educational Events: Summer schools
participates in: Knowledge Web
team is formed by: Diana Maynard Hamish Cunningham Kalina Bontcheva Mike Dowman Valentin Tablan
works in: WP1.2: Evaluation for technology selection WP1.3: Technology Recommendations WP1.4: Promotion of Ontology Technology WP1.5: Cross Network cooperations WP2.1: Scalability WP2.2: Heterogenity WP2.3: Dynamics WP3.2: Educational Contents and Event Provision