
D2.4.1: Semantic requirements for web services description

Title: Semantic requirements for web services description
On-line PDF Version: D2.4.1.pdf
Nature: Report
Dissemination level: PU
Deliverable number: D2.4.1
Contractual date of delivery: 31/12/2004
has authoring partner: National University of Ireland Galway
has contact person: Tomas Vitvar
has lead participant: National University of Ireland Galway
is associated with: WP2.4: Semantic Web Services
has author: Armin Haller Ion Constantinescu Lyndon JB Nixon Marco Pistore Michal Zaremba Rubén Lara Hernández Tomas Vitvar Walter Binder
is associated with: Knowledge Web
is generated by: National University of Ireland Galway