National University of Ireland Galway

Organization full name: National University of Ireland, Galway
Organization acronym: NUIG
Organization Web:
Country: Ireland
City: Galway
Street address: University Road
Funded: true
generates: A Logical Framework for Web Service Discovery D2.3.1: Specification of a methodology for ontology syntactic and semantic versioning D2.3.2: Specification of knowledge acquisition and modelling of the process of the consensus D2.3.3v2: Full RDF versioning system D2.4.1: Semantic requirements for web services description D2.4.2: Definition of semantics for web service discovery and composition D2.4.3: State of the art on agent-based services D2.4.4: Guidelines for the integration of agent-based services and web-based services D2.4.ID1: State of the art of current Semantic Web Services initiatives Report KWeb Meeting Crete June 2005.pdf SWWC 2004 Application of Semantic Web Technologies to Web Communities Semantic aspects of Web Services Trust Negotiation for Semantic Web Services Web Service Capabilities and Constraints in WSMO
has contact person: Tomas Vitvar
is involved in: T1.4.2: Success Stories and Best Practices T1.4.6: Management and self-assessment T1.6.7: Management and self-assessment T2.2.1: Continous research on alignment alignment semantics T2.2.3: Research on integration techniques and implementations T2.2.4: Research on alignment techniques and implementations T2.3.6: Defining criteria for ontology evaluation and building language dependant prototypes for evaluating ontologies especially RDF-Schema, OWL-light-minus and WSMO-Core ontologies T2.4.5: Define semantics for automatic web service invocation and interoperation T2.4.6: Survey on the state of the art on agent based services
leads: WP2.3: Dynamics WP2.4: Semantic Web Services
participates in: Knowledge Web
team is formed by: Andreas Harth Armin Haller Carlos F. Enguix Doug Foxvog Holger Lausen John Breslin Knud Möller Michal Zaremba Tomas Vitvar Wolf Winkler
works in: WP1.4: Promotion of Ontology Technology WP1.5: Cross Network cooperations WP1.6: Semantic Portal Structure WP2.2: Heterogenity WP2.3: Dynamics WP2.4: Semantic Web Services WP3.1: EASE