
D1.1.3: Typology of ontology-based processing tasks

Title: Typology of ontology-based processing tasks and high level components needed to fulfil the propotypical application requirements
On-line PDF Version: D1.1.3.pdf
Nature: Report
Dissemination level: PU
Deliverable number: D1.1.3
Contractual date of delivery: 31/12/2004
has authoring partner: University of Trento
has lead participant: France Telecom
is associated with: WP1.1: Industrial Application Needs
has author: Alain Leger François Paulus Lyndon JB Nixon Malgorzata Mochol Stamatia Dasiopoulou Vasileios Papastathis Yiannis Kompatsiaris
is associated with: Knowledge Web
is generated by: France Telecom University of Trento