Raúl Palma

Full Name: Raúl Palma
e-mail: Raúl Palma
Date of Birth: 07/03/1977
Country: Spain
City: Madrid
Zip code: 28660
Street Address: Campus Montegancedo s/n
Gender: Male
belongs to: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
is author of: D1.2.10: Ontology repository D1.2.4: Architecture of the semantic web framework D1.3.2: Identification of standards on metadata for ontologies DEMO - Design Environment for Metadata Ontologies NFP ontology for discovery and sharing Web services in distributed registries OMV - Ontology Metadata Vocabulary Ontology Metadata Vocabulary and Applications Oyster - Sharing and Re-using Ontologies in a Peer-to-Peer Community
is involved in: T1.2.3: Creation of the Kweb Ontology Repository
works in: WP1.2: Evaluation for technology selection