Michal Zaremba

Full Name: Michal Zaremba
e-mail: Michal Zaremba
Homepage: www.michal-zaremba.com
Date of Birth: 27/12/1976
Country: Austria
City: Innsbruck
Zip code: n/a
Telephone: +353 91 512496
Fax: +353 91 512541
Gender: Male
belongs to: National University of Ireland Galway
is author of: D1.2.4: Architecture of the semantic web framework D2.4.1: Semantic requirements for web services description D2.4.2: Definition of semantics for web service discovery and composition Web Service Capabilities and Constraints in WSMO
is involved in: T2.4.3: Define requirements for web service description T2.4.4: Define semantics for dynamic web service discovery and automatic composition
leads: T2.4.1: Survey on the state of the art of current semantic web services initiatives T2.4.3: Define requirements for web service description
works in: WP2.4: Semantic Web Services