University of Liverpool

Organization full name: The University of Liverpool
Organization acronym: Liv Uni
Organization Web:
Country: UK
City: Liverpool
Street address: Abercromby Square
Funded: true
generates: D2.3.7: Report on negotiation/argumentation techniques among agents complying to different ontologies Temporal Representation and Reasoning
has contact person: Michael Wooldridge
is involved in: T1.4.2: Success Stories and Best Practices T1.4.3: International Technology Show T1.4.6: Management and self-assessment T1.5.2: Detailed discussion about possible joined education and training activities T1.5.4: Education and training progress report and agreements T1.5.5: Management and Self-assessment T2.3.1: Ontology versioning T2.4.6: Survey on the state of the art on agent based services T2.4.7: Guidelines for the integration of agent-based services and web-based services
participates in: Knowledge Web
team is formed by: Brian Davis D.B. Lithgow Smith Ian Blacoe Loredana Laera Michael Wooldridge T. Bench-Capon
works in: WP1.4: Promotion of Ontology Technology WP1.5: Cross Network cooperations WP2.3: Dynamics WP2.4: Semantic Web Services WP3.2: Educational Contents and Event Provision