Freie Universität Berlin

Organization full name: Freie Universität Berlin
Organization acronym: FU Berlin
Organization Web:
Country: Germany
City: Berlin
Zip code: D-14195
Street address: Takustraße 9
Funded: true
generates: A Framework for Semantic Web-enabled Multimedia D1.1.2v1: Prototypical business use cases D1.1.4v1: System and knowledge technology components for prototypical applications and business cases D1.1.4v2: System and knowledge technology components for prototypical applications and business cases D1.1.4v3: Report on results of the Industry-Research co-operations D1.4.1v4: Knowledge Web Technology Roadmap (final version) D2.4.ID1: State of the art of current Semantic Web Services initiatives DEMO - Design Environment for Metadata Ontologies Enabling Real World Semantic Web Applications Through a Co-ordination Middleware Industrial Meeting - Berlin Agenda Towards a successful transfer of knowledge-based technology to European Industry
has contact person: Lyndon JB Nixon
is involved in: T1.1.1: Growth of the industrial board T1.1.2: The continuous collection of Business Needs from Industry Board T1.1.3: The KW Technological and Research answers to selected key Industry Business needs T1.1.4: Efficient communication channel with the Industry Board members and Industry T1.1.5: Self-assessment T1.2.1: Utility of ontology-based tools T1.2.2: Creation of the Semantic Web Framework T1.2.3: Creation of the Kweb Ontology Repository T1.2.4: Ontology content evaluation and usability T1.2.5: Management and self-assessment T1.3.4: Management and self-assessment T2.4.1: Survey on the state of the art of current semantic web services initiatives T2.4.2: Analysis of current initiatives to identify semantic needs not covered within existing research efforts T2.4.7: Guidelines for the integration of agent-based services and web-based services T3.1.1: Conducting a detailed requirements analysis for EASE T3.2.2: Educational Events: Joint Industry-Education Cooperation
is task leader in: T1.1.2: The continuous collection of Business Needs from Industry Board T3.2.2: Educational Events: Joint Industry-Education Cooperation
leads: WP1.1: Industrial Application Needs
participates in: Knowledge Web
team is formed by: Elena Paslaru Bontas Klaus Schild Lutz Suhrbier Lyndon JB Nixon Magnus Niemann Malgorzata Mochol Robert Tolksdorf
works in: WP1.1: Industrial Application Needs WP1.2: Evaluation for technology selection WP1.3: Technology Recommendations WP2.4: Semantic Web Services WP2.6: Weaving the European Semantic Web Research Network WP3.1: EASE WP3.2: Educational Contents and Event Provision