Frank van Harmelen

Full Name: Frank van Harmelen
e-mail: Frank van Harmelen
Country: The Netherlands
City: Amsterdam
Zip code: 1081HV
Street Address: de Boelelaan 1081a
Telephone: +31 20 598 7731/7483
Fax: +31 84 221 4294
Gender: Male
belongs to: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
is author of: Configuration of Web Services as Parametric Design Contextualizing Ontologies D1. Benchmarking the processing of Inconsistent Ontologies D3.1.5v2: Published Learning Resources and Evaluation of REASE Information Sharing on the Semantic Web Introduction to Semantic Web Ontology Languages Kick-off - WP 2.1 presentation Semantic Web Primer Towards a Structured Analysis of Approximate Problem Solving: a Case Study in Classification Using C-OWL for the Alignment and Merging of Medical Ontologies
is contact person of: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
is involved in: T2.1.1: State of the art on the technology participating on the scalability WP T2.1.2: Approximate reasoning with ontologies T2.1.3: Modularization of ontologies T2.1.7: Management and Self-assessment T3.2.1: Educational Events: PhD Student network / PhD symposium T3.2.2: Educational Events: Joint Industry-Education Cooperation T3.2.4: Towards the shared masters program: Joint curriculum
works in: WP2.1: Scalability