Fabien Gandon

Full Name: Fabien Gandon
e-mail: Fabien Gandon
Country: France
City: Sophia Antipolis
Zip code: 06902
Street Address: 2004 route des Lucioles
Fax: 33 - 4 92 38 77 83
Gender: Male
belongs to: Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique
is author of: D1.4.2v2: Success Stories and Best Practices D1.4.2v3: Success Stories and Best Practices (final version) D3.2.1v1: Learning unit collection available D3.2.3: Report on core curricula in Ontology and Semantic Web
is involved in: T3.1.1: Conducting a detailed requirements analysis for EASE T3.2.1: Educational Events: PhD Student network / PhD symposium T3.2.4: Towards the shared masters program: Joint curriculum T3.3.1: Agreement on formats, metadata standards, etc. T3.3.2: Setup of learning management system as repository for learning units T3.3.2: Setup of learning management system as repository for learning units v2
works in: WP3.1: EASE WP3.2: Educational Contents and Event Provision WP3.3: Semantic delivery platform