4 studies available


Knowledge Web Partners: FU Berlin

Facilitate efficiently open job vacancies with qualified suitable candidates
Matching between offers and job seekers
Why a semantic solution:
Semantics supports richer matching based on expressed relationships between characteristics of jobs and candidates
Key Business Benefits:
Employee recruitment is increasingly being carried out online. In Germany, for example, over 50 % of recreuitment is expected to result from an online job posting. Finding the best suited candidate in the fastest time leads to cost cutting and resource sparing with regards to recruitment and can potentially bring firm into contact with a higher level quality of candidates.
Business Partners: Recruitment agencies

Business Case Research Challenges

B2C Marketplace for Tourism

Knowledge Web Partners: France Télécom R&D

Offer on line personalized tourism packages. One stop purchasing shop of the tourism package (Train, plane, B&B or hotels, river excursions)
Dynamic exploitation of content, service providers and personalized data.
Commercial partnership setting
Why a semantic solution:
Dynamic exploitation of c/s providers makes full use of semantic web technology (brokering, mediations, discovery, composition, orchestration and invocation)
Key Business Benefits:
Regional tourism offers today very heterogeneous resources that cannot be easily exploited and packaged. In France, the tourism market was evaluated 32 Billion euros whose river tourism represents a turnover greater than 250 Million euros.
Business Partners: Tourism content providers, Tour operators, Regional tourism councils

Business Case

Agent-based System for an Insurance Company

Knowledge Web Partners: UPM

The traditional way of handling insurance claims involves different experts in different departments using different approaches, making the process very costly.
Chain integration for insurance claim handling can make the entire process more economical
Why a semantic solution:
Ontologies are required to formalize the vocabularies of companies from different domains such as insurance and car repair.
Key Business Benefits:
Reduce errors in the interactions between companies due to inconsistency in their databases. Ease the addition of more participating companies in the interaction chain.
Business Partners: Insurance agencies, Damage repair companies

Business Case

Dynamic B2B Integration

Knowledge Web Partners: DERI Galway

Facilitate effective integration of business partners using different widely used B2B protocols.
Mediating transport, data and process differences between the partners using semantic web service execution environment
Why a semantic solution:
Semantics support the intelligent mediation needed between the heterogeneous partners and B2B protocols.
Key Business Benefits:
The solution makes B2B integration significantly faster and cheaper than currently. As more partners can be integrated , more competition can be introduced to the supply chain resulting e.g. in lower procurement costs.
Business Partners: Bell Labs Research Centre Ireland.

Business Case